Business Branding

I understand you

I know that there are so many incredible Photographers out there that you could choose from but do any of them truly see you? Do they connect to you, understand and appreciate the very essence of the magic you bring into the world?

You are a Medicine Woman. Regardless of wether you are offering Reiki, Energy Healing, Counselling, Nutrition Coaching, Wellness support, Crafts, Witchcraft, Holistic Tattoo’s ... the list is endless - but you are putting your magic out into the world to help and heal people in some way. If they book you for a session or treatment, they are booking to receive your medicine. This is special and sacred, so why would you want to treat this like any old shoot or even worse.... not capture this magic at all!

Your clients want to see you, the magical Woman behind your offering - not a stock image

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I know how scary this is! This is a personal block I have only recently worked through myself but the beautiful thing is, you can work past it!

I used to be so paranoid about showing my face on Instagram, Facebook and my Website. I have tried hiding behind the scenes by using the “faceless method” which I can confirm, does not work in our line of work!

Take a moment to think about what you are offering - your clients are trusting you to work with their physical bodies or energy - there are 3 stages a client will transition through before they book with you.....




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clients want to know you

They want to know more about you. We are inherentley nosey as humans and Social Media has certaintly amped up the opportunities to peek behind the curtains. You don’t need to bare all - I myself am a very private person however I do understand the balance and I want my potential clients to see what I get up to in my personal life - this is how we make connections!

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clients wish to like you

Have you ever purchased something from someone you didn’t like? Probably not - because why would we? If we are not giving our audience the opportunity to get to know us or like us then there will be someone else out there who will - and they will be the ones receiving bookings from clients and all of the abundance that comes with this. Show up and tell the story of who you are and allow people the opportunity to like you!

clients need to trust you

As I mentioned above, your clients are coming to you for Sacred work and they are not just going to pick the first person they find online. They will be scoping you out, watching your content to see if this aligns with what you say you offer. They want to trust that you are the real deal before they book with you and this is totally understandable. If your branding is not consistent and doesnt align with the identity you are showing up as then this will deter people from booking with you. The good news is that strong Branding can help you with this!

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This is how I can help...

Through personal Branding Images alone, I can help you feel empowered to take up space in the world and feel proud about your business.

I can help you show up authentically and provide you with stunning images full of magic and energy.

Your personal Branding Images will help you stand out in the crowd and enable you to establish a strong image.

Tired of endless bad photos of myself and deciding it must mean I was simply not photogenic but in need of at least one decent picture of myself in order to promote my counselling business, I realised I needed professional help and made contact with Kimberley.

From our first contact, she reassured me and made me feel so comfortable that I found myself looking forward to my photoshoot.

It didn't disappoint; I felt relaxed and comfortable to be myself, following Kim's instructions and trusting her to do her thing.

I had a lot of fun on the day. The hardest thing of the whole process was choosing the images I wanted to keep - I wanted just one decent picture and am now spoiled for choice.Thank you Kim. This is one of my favourites.”

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Arc Arch Boho Rainbow Line Arc Poster Print Minimalist Boho Icon

you live and breathe


step forward

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and back yourself

you have medicine to share

but your people need to find you first

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get in touch

Imagine having a stock of beautiful images to hand, that are authentic, align with you perfectly and are original and personal to you, that you could just dip into when you needed some Social Media content.

No more scrolling through thousands of stock images to find one that “works”.

No more dodgy selfies or holiday photos (no judgement here - we are all guilty of it!).

I could save you so much time which means you have more time to do the parts of your business you love.

Let me remove those worries for you and let me capture the essence of who you are and what your all about.

Your people want to see you!

Holding space for you...

I completely appreciate that this is a journey for you. When you decide that a personal Branding Shoot is the right step for your business, the next hurdle can be a personal one - pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone, stepping forward and booking the shoot!

This is what makes my service completely different and so much more special than any old standard Photographer

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Your Comfort Zone


Stepping Outside



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We all know this right..... you probably teach it to others but now it is time to believe and trust this for yourself!

During my shoots I pride myself in Holding Space for you. This can look different for each of my clients, but I can promise you that I offer a confidential, judgement free, nurturing and empowering space for you during your shoot.

Some clients choose to begin the shoot with a Ceremony, calling in Goddess energy to support us and others like to just get straight to it - I am here to support you and open to all ideas, practices and beliefs that will help you feel more grounded and empowered.

I have complete respect for your spaces we work in. I will never touch anything without asking and I honour your boundaries. I am exremely intuitive and I can tell if my client starts to feel uncomftorable so there is always time to pause, breathe and re-energise before continuing with the shoot.

From the moment you book with me, you will experience a highly personal journey and I can’t stress to you enough how this is not ‘just a photoshoot’ - this is an opportunity to work with me and be guided gently through what I will ensure is a very positive experience.

I know you are going to be worried about what the final gallery will look like. I know you will worry about what your face will look like and I know you will worry about what other people will think about them but let’s just take a breath and go back to your WHY - the very reason why this is your business and why you want to make it work. The very reason why you should take every opportunity to make it work because if you don’t then there will be someone out there who will and you may just miss out on the life of your dreams.

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I am so passionate about your success!

I am a Woman’s Woman - this has been a huge part of my healing journey and I want Women to feel empowered enough to be fully present and stand up for what they believe in. This is what drives me to do what i do.

I have been the quiet shy girl hiding in the background, masking and copying other people just to fit in. It’s exhausting and it bought me nothing but physical ill-health and depression. I know what it is like to not want to be the centre of attention for the fear of rejection or failure but it’s these self-limiting beliefs that keep us in our comfort zone and the universe is ready and waiting to give us exactly what we want but we have to meet the universe half way... in the GROWTH zone!

there are 8 billion people in the world.

67 million people in the uk.

34 million women in the uk.

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Within these numbers are YOUR people. Your tribe. People who need your healing and your magic.

Are you going to show up for them?

is a personal branding shoot right for you?

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If you answer YES to any of these....

I want to show up as an authentic person and medicine woman.

There are many people offering the same service as me and I want to stand out.

I want to showcase my magic but I am not sure how.

I am just about to launch my business and I want to go out into the world with a bang.

I want people to recognise my Brand.

I am proud of my business and I want to give it a more polished look.

I always use stock images and my socials don’t feel personal.

My website doesn’t give off the right energy.

I am struggling to get bookings and clients don’t seem to be reaching out to me.

I want to focus more on the healing side of my business and not having to waste time on social media content.

I want to step forward and take up space!

The answer is


A Personal Branding Shoot is a life changing investment for you and your Business.

“Kimberley was great. She really put me at ease with her friendliness and professionalism.

She enabled me to just get on with doing what I do and she just captured it! The result is a host of very natural, fun, interesting and beautiful photos that I am really pleased with.

The whole process was SO much easier than I had feared, I (dare I say!) enjoyed it!

I would definitely work with Kimberley again, and highly recommend her services.”

Your investment

I have shared with you an insight into how I work and why i am so different from standard Photographers and I have also shared with you some benefits of a Personal Branding Shoot and if it would be right for you.

There is so much more I could tell you and I would love to do this virtually face to face or via a call. This gives us an opportunity to tune into each others energy and really feel into whether this is going to be right for you!

There is absolutely no obligation to book with me but it is the perfect opportunity to learn more about Branding, evaluate where your Branding is currently and discuss what positive changes you could make to really make your Business stand out. We will also discuss my different packages and payment options and explore your needs.

OR if you are sensitive to energy and just feel that this is right and you are getting a big YES about working with me then click the Contact Me button now and lets start our journey together!

If you take that first step and show the Universe you are open to receive, then the Universe will meet you half way and reward you with abundance.

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Did you know?

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I support your

menstrual or moon cycle

during our time together

honouring you at

every level