Sacred Cycles

Celebrating our Sacred pattern - our life cycle.

As a Woman we transition between different parts of the Sacred Cycle throughout our life.

In my practice, I identify these as Maiden, Mother, Maga, Crone, Death & Re-birth and this is what I would like to share with you as part of your Empowerment experience.

How does this align with my Empowerment Photography?

As part of your journey with me, you will be guided to select a life stage of the Sacred Cycle. This will then set the basis for your experience and your photoshoot.

You can experience any part of the Cycle whenever you want, so please don’t feel that just because you are in your Mother phase (roughly aged 35) doesnt mean that you can’t revisit your Maiden energy or channel your Maga or Crone energy.

You will be naturally drawn to work with one of these energies and the whole experience should be empowering, fun, healing, exciting and magical.

Boho Element
Line Decoration
Line Decoration
Death Re birth
Round Circle Minimalist Boho Shape
Boho Sunrise Illustration
Line Decoration


This phase of your Cycle is known as the “Spring” phase. It is the time of your childhood - to explore, learn, be curious and make mistakes. You experience your rite of passage as your first bleed arrives and your body develops and changes. In this time you will push boundaries and seek fun opportunites. Your Maiden phase is a time to explore who you are - how do you identify in the world. What are your likes and dislikes. What makes you feel good and what doesnt.

You may become sexually active and explore your sensual side, experiencing deeper connections with other people.

You are beginning to map out what you want to achieve in this life and you make plans and sew the seeds as you transition into Motherhood.


This part of your Sacred Cycle places you in a position where you are less inward and you have space to hold responsibility for people and things outside of yourself. It is a time of creation - this could be of Children, Business, Art or Projects. You have the maturity to move forward with the “doing” part of your life and you may find yourself making things happen as and when you want them. You will most likely put others needs before your own and give out alot of your energy. You may miss your Maiden phase although it is always there to re-connect with.

You will be an anchor of strength for those around you and you will be focused on security for yourself and those around you. This phase aligns with Summer Energy and the Full Moon.


Not everyone practices the Maga phase but she is a Woman in her power. This transition is often supported with peri-menopause or menopause. The energy reflects that of the Maiden, in the sense that you start to look inward again after giving away so much of your energy it’s time for YOU. Although unlike the Maiden phase, you are extremely knowing of who you are and whilst re-discovery will appear, your boundaries will be defined and well practiced and you are much wiser to what and who you wish to spend your energy on.

Maga is a fabulous phase of life - you recognise your own magic and power and you are not afraid to show this to the world.

This part of the phase is reflected by the season of Autumn.


The Crone phase is a time in your life when you embody all of your life lessons and become a wise and powerful Woman. You start to slow down physically and spend time reflecting. You sit opposite from the Mother phase and you are again able to hold space for others - lending a helping hand and support to the Mothers around you.

You will find beauty in places you wouldn’t have before and you realise what is truly important. You find peace in your own company and prepare yourself for your next rite of passage - Death.

You are a Winter flower whose roots are firmly placed within this earth, connected to seeds of new flowers to be born.

Death & Re-birth

Death & Rebirth is part of every cycle. Just as Spring always follows Winter, we know that it will come around and if we can embrace this, then magical things can happen.

Death doesnt have to be about the loss of something - it can also be connected to letting go and bringing in the new.

Many things change in our lives - we loose jobs, we move homes, we get married, we get divorced and these cycles continue - just in different ways.

Use this energy to celebrate what you once had and to honour the space it makes for the new things coming in.

I know which energy I would like to work with - what’s next?

As soon as you have felt into which energy you would like to work with, it’s time to lean into your magic.

Book a free Exploration call with me and together we will share space and discuss what you want from your Empowerment Shoot and organise a date.

You will then receive a personal Empowerment Pack, providing you with insight into your chosen Cycle phase. This will also include journaling excersises, a recorded meditation to bring healing and power to this phase of your life and different ways you can honour your “self” in all phases of life.

Boho Sunrise Illustration

So regardless of whether you envision a simple but stylish studio shoot or a ceremonial shoot in the woods - I am here to hold space for YOU. Honour YOU and capture YOUR MAGIC.